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Trusted by treatment providers worldwide

Across the globe, organisations have entrusted Sustainable Care as their software provider

Customer logotypes: GamCare, Feelgood, RETS, Peluuri, arpej, Ljung & Sjöberg
Pia Norgren portrait
Now I can help clients no matter where they are, while I can work remotely myself.

I like that the treatment includes many educational components. Relapse prevention is not really a treatment but more of an education. In online treatment, the client can absorb the knowledge on their own and at their own pace, giving us more room to focus on the core issues during our conversations.

I can follow the client’s work in the treatment and see how he or she has answered the various tasks. During our video calls, I use the client’s answers as a basis for the conversation. It makes it easy to start a conversation where the client can then speak freely.
— Pia Norgren, licensed psychologist, specialist in addiction psychology

Client stories

Client Portrait Illustration
Reading my answers to the exercises and realise the impact of my gambling behaviour made me feel very sad but at the same time helped me to face reality and find the motivation to change.
— Client, Gambling
Client Portrait Illustration
I feel proud of myself, I feel now in a much better place. In the past I often felt embarrassed talking about my gambling problems with people, but these modules helped. As long as you are 100% honest with yourself you will get out a lot.
— Client, Gambling
Client Portrait Illustration
The thing I’m most happy about with my treatment is that it worked, I’m sober. I could complete the exercises at my own convenience and reschedule the telephone appointment when everyday life got in the way.
— Client, Alcohol

Case studies

Learn more about the practical implementations of our online treatment programs, related reports and research.